CONTROL DOCUMENT for #0003 NFT Derivative
Earth Knot
Virtual Land Art
by: Seminalator with Open Google Earth Pro, Leadlet.js, and The Decentralized Social Blockchain (DeSo)

This is a simple concept of making a NFT by encrypting it in geoJSON coordinates and web page code to display these unique digital knots on an Internet map. An original EarthKnotNFT owner receives the template used to create the coordinates of that NFT from here to generate derivatives thereafter. Derivatives can be placed anywhere on Earth other than where the legacy of the original is building a provenance for all EarthKnotNFTs that follow.

(flyTo 30 sec) is the actual land art that forms the structure, scale and orientation for all EarthKnotNFT virtual land art... the simplest, and first knot of all; the seminal Great Knot.
(flyTo 30 sec) is a compound form made of two of the first. It begins the concept of generating an infinite number of EarthKnotNFTs in an ordered sequence.
(flyTo 30 sec) is the original EarthKnotNFT. It is the next after the seminal Great Knot in the genesis sequence that set the order of the first 100+ elemental forms of this Conceptual Art.
(flyTo 30 sec) is the button that returns from anywhere on Earth to the display of the subject of this NFT. The name references Smithson's Spiral Jetty land art as a place a derivative overlaps coordinate geometry with.
(flyTo 30 sec) combines one each of the first two in the genesis sequence. Over 1,700 EarthKnotNFT are being placed where ownership is first recorded in an 1803 division of a commons created in 1687. This record of the origin of ownership to land is provenance for every original NFT of this conceptual art.
(flyTo 30 sec) combines two of the first in the genesis sequence with one of the second to make the fifth in a sequence of compounded elementals designed to fill over 1,700 places shown in the Google Maps file; displayed below; with EarthKnotNFTs that are each visually identifiable as uniquely individual NFTs.
(flyTo 30 sec) is to the final destination in this demo of the format for the EarthKnotNFT and derivatives that the DAO authenticates and makes NFTs out of what the owners of the original have made to market as Cryptoknot.
(image overlay) is set to go to The Great Knot, but will accommodate an overlay of the Kingston Commons if the interactive access to the Google Maps file below ceases to be operable.
will freeze the "flyTo" function in progress. Press (touch) any button to contnue to that destination.
Prototypes: New Grange; Spiral Jetty; Little Skellig; Machu Picchu